Cloudflare vs Akamai – Which CDN Service is Best for Your Website

October 01, 2022

Cloudflare vs Akamai – The Ultimate Showdown

As website owners, we all know the importance of having a fast and reliable website. And one of the ways to achieve this is through the use of a content delivery network (CDN). Two of the biggest names in the CDN industry are Cloudflare and Akamai. But which one is the better option for your website? Let's find out.

Network Size

When it comes to CDN network size, Akamai is the clear winner. Akamai has over 300,000 servers in more than 135 countries, while Cloudflare only has around 200 locations worldwide. However, it's worth noting that Cloudflare's focus is on smaller servers that are closer to the end-users, resulting in faster loading times.


Both Cloudflare and Akamai boast impressive performance numbers. Cloudflare claims to provide a 30% to 60% improvement in website loading speed, while Akamai promises a 75% reduction in website load times. However, actual performance can vary depending on several factors, including website size, geographic location of the user, and the number of requests made to the website.


When it comes to pricing, Cloudflare offers a more affordable option for smaller websites. They have a free plan with essential features such as DDoS protection and a CDN, while their paid plans start at $20/month. Akamai, on the other hand, is more expensive but offers more customizable plans to suit the needs of businesses of all sizes.


Both Cloudflare and Akamai provide excellent security features to protect against DDoS attacks and other potential threats. Cloudflare has a strong reputation for its security features, while Akamai is known for its ability to handle high-volume attacks.

User Experience

Cloudflare has a user-friendly dashboard and offers robust APIs and integrations with popular platforms such as WordPress, Shopify, and more. Akamai's dashboard can be more challenging to navigate for those unfamiliar with the platform, but they offer more personalized support for their clients.


When it comes down to it, both Cloudflare and Akamai are excellent CDN services, and the choice ultimately depends on your specific needs as a website owner. If you operate a smaller website and want a more affordable option with a more user-friendly dashboard, Cloudflare might be your best bet. But if you run a larger website with higher traffic volumes and require more advanced security features, Akamai might be the better choice.

Whichever CDN service you choose, make sure to weigh the pros and cons and choose the option that aligns best with your website's goals.


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